
A Legal Definition of Marriage?

What a hot button topic. Let me make clear off the top - I have no problems with homosexual "marriage". A gay couple whom I consider to be among my closest friends have been together over 40 years! They are "married" now under the US Supreme Court ruling. I love them and am so happy for them. Then am I anti-marriage? Just the opposite, actually.  I am however against the GOVERNMENT redefining the traditional definition of words in order to further a political agenda. The government has no business in redefining the traditional meaning of a religious institution. This impedes the free practice of religion. If you redefine a religious institution then force those who practice that religion to adopt the government re-definition, you impede religious practice. Call it CIVIL UNION. Call it BANANA. Come up with any name you want if the government wants to regulate such unions as it does for the adopted term "married". But don't try to redefine the religious

Trump and Clinton a Sign of the Times

Now we reap what we sew.  We have two media darlings battling it out for the highest office in the land, and is there any doubt that they are only satisfying their egos?  Trump has no sense of decency, and Hillary has no sense of shame.  He is a bully, and she is entitled and angry we don't agree.  How did we end up here?  Its the relentless dumbing down of America, the lack of any civility, the removal of God and the minimizing of the rights of society as a whole over the rights of individual sub-groups, the spoon feeding of entertainment disguised as news and the ever lowered expectations of us and our country. Congratulations.  Its time for society to enjoy the fruits of its harvest.  Me?  I'll pass.

Slippery Slope in the Bathroom

We need to be cautious.  The current administration passed a new rule that people can use whatever sex's bathroom a person identifies with.  Well intentioned?  Likely.  Poorly thought out?  Yes.  Pandering?  ABSOLUTELY This isn't about transsexuals, people who in my humble opinion need more psychological help than physical.  Its intended to help those is transition to use the bathroom of the sex they wish they were.  In truth and in fact, it swings open the door to abuses by anyone. What if I am a good, but not great, athlete is school and I want to play varsity ball.  As a male, I may not get much playing time.  But if I unilaterally declared I felt I was a woman, I could set records on the women's team.  Is this fair to women?  NO.  Is opening their locker room to leering lying losers fair to women?  NO.  It is women who suffer from this ruling, and a federal court correctly stopped it. But that is not always the case with this Supreme Court.  They acknowledge, or

The Future of the Saints

LOVE ME SOME SAINTS. When I was a year and half out of law school, I got a call from a lady I helped in law school.  Her uncle needed a new lawyer for his defense cases.  Sure, send them over I said.  That's how I became a Benson attorney. I know a bit about Tom, and more about his brothers.  They are gone now, and I loved them both.  They were good friends.  I was blessed to sing at one of their funerals.  Tom was at best an acquaintance and tough client.  Even today when I see Tom I am never sure if he recognizes me.  Which reminds me of rule number one- Tom hates lawyers.  If you weren't Stanley Rosenburg, his long time friend and attorney, you were just another shark. I digress... Many pundits are talking about the future of Sean Peyton right now.  They postulate what Mickey Loomis wants, and Drew Brees wants.  All that really matters is what Tom Benson wants.  So I will use my small amount of personal knowledge of the Benson mindset, my knowledge of football


I hate pennies.  I am sick of having to horde these disease-carrying, ugly brown metal slugs.  I understand they are necessary in a decimal-based economy, but today they are virtually irrelevant. So why does the government pay TWO CENTS to make every ONE CENT coin? Some say eliminate it and round prices to 5's.  Still have these freaking pennies to deal with, sitting quietly in several water jugs in my house and slowly breaking through the floor due to the weight. Why not this?  A NEW DOLLAR, like the forever stamp.  The AMERICA DOLLAR would be a $1 bill but worth $5 in today's currency.  Thus, the penny becomes the new nickel.  Change becomes relevant again and people may even break open those unfulfilled lonely piggy banks to go have lunch. After the initial shock of your paycheck netting $1000 to netting $200, I strongly believe people will accept it as almost a throw back to early days. PENNY CANDY?  Quite possibly so! To implement, retailers should


  I recently posted this to an OSU blog.  Nicholls was supposed to play them this weekend, but canceled due to Hurricane Isaac and the as of yet unknown damage to the campus.  A few OSU folks were less than understanding and postulated that NSU was just in it for the guaranteed paycheck.   Here was my response:   I am not with the university but I am a Colonels supporter, former player and fan.  I too am deeply sorry about this game.  OSU was a necessary opportunity for NSU players to play against BCS-level talent.  It helps us with recruiting, gives our second and thirds opportunity to play and the money from the game funds all of our athletics.  We take these games knowing we will likely not win, but for the good of the whole athletics program.  The kids will absolutely be disappointed, particularly because we know how beautiful it is up there and the experience is once in a lifetime.    But I want to explain what the area has been through.  This hurricane began affectin


Why do you deserve to DIE?!?!  Because you don't agree with me! The government talking heads tell me my anger is not my fault.  Its because you  disagree with me and thus YOU hate ME.  My stress and emotional instability isn't my fault.  Its because evil businesses are greedy, and because the state health care already available isn't helping me!  Its not helping me because its not sufficient, and its not sufficient because you hate me, because you disagree with my view.   So you must die, for me to keep my beliefs, right?  Because you hate me, you want to take my point of view away from me. This gun I am holding to your head?  THIS is responsible for your death too, not me.  You see I bought this legally, because I have second amendment rights.  So I can use it illegally, because the talking heads in Washington tell me its the gun's fault, not mine.  I don't have to follow the laws on the books.   So its not me that's killing you.   I didn't do that