Slippery Slope in the Bathroom

We need to be cautious.  The current administration passed a new rule that people can use whatever sex's bathroom a person identifies with.  Well intentioned?  Likely.  Poorly thought out?  Yes.  Pandering?  ABSOLUTELY

This isn't about transsexuals, people who in my humble opinion need more psychological help than physical.  Its intended to help those is transition to use the bathroom of the sex they wish they were.  In truth and in fact, it swings open the door to abuses by anyone.

What if I am a good, but not great, athlete is school and I want to play varsity ball.  As a male, I may not get much playing time.  But if I unilaterally declared I felt I was a woman, I could set records on the women's team.  Is this fair to women?  NO.  Is opening their locker room to leering lying losers fair to women?  NO. 

It is women who suffer from this ruling, and a federal court correctly stopped it.

But that is not always the case with this Supreme Court.  They acknowledge, or some of the justices at least, that they intend to legislate from the bench.  This is exactly what the court is NOT supposed to do.

The Supreme Court takes law, compares it to the Constitution, and decides whether its in there or not.

If you want to change the law, and its not covered in the Constitution, the answer is simple.  CHANGE THE CONSTITUTION.  The way to accomplish it is right there in the document.  But its hard to do, and it should be.  Legislating to the whims of society is easy.  And who will stop them?

Who indeed.


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