A Legal Definition of Marriage?

What a hot button topic. Let me make clear off the top - I have no problems with homosexual "marriage". A gay couple whom I consider to be among my closest friends have been together over 40 years! They are "married" now under the US Supreme Court ruling. I love them and am so happy for them.

Then am I anti-marriage? Just the opposite, actually. 

I am however against the GOVERNMENT redefining the traditional definition of words in order to further a political agenda. The government has no business in redefining the traditional meaning of a religious institution. This impedes the free practice of religion. If you redefine a religious institution then force those who practice that religion to adopt the government re-definition, you impede religious practice. Call it CIVIL UNION. Call it BANANA. Come up with any name you want if the government wants to regulate such unions as it does for the adopted term "married". But don't try to redefine the religious institution.

The bottom line is the government wants to rope in as many people as it can to come to IT for permission to be married under their own religious practices, so that the government can tax you and regulate you. Why is it the government's business? Why does the government make you get a LICENSE from it for you to marry?

EXERCISE: Is it different if a growing number of people want Donald Trump recognized as a Christ? Should the US Supreme Court be able to rule that the term Christ should apply to anyone who claims themselves to be Christ, and thus my religion must recognize not only Jesus but Trump, or Biden, or whomever claims it to be the Christ? Outrageous, you may think. But if you think it through, there is no difference. I use Trump as the main example because he is such a polarizing figure. I acknowledge that no one has to my knowledge suggested such an outrageous thing.

But think about it. It's not that far off. 


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