Absolutely UNKNOWN

Right or wrong?

Every set of laws on our planet is based on natural law. Natural law has several definitions, but in essence it is law that have been proved to be true again and again, not laws that are merely imposed by the will of another. Either its right, or wrong.
On or off?
Even in computing, everything reduces down to the simple definition of "on" or "off".   If a circuit is on, that's a 1.   If its off, 0.   That's why you see the 1 inside a 0 on almost every electronic on/off button.   The system of number counting that only has two digits is called BI-nary (bi meaning 2). So that's where the binary system comes from, and is the basis of all computing. 

Black or white?

We used to use the phrase "the answer is there in black and white."    These are the two juxtaposed extremes.  But in our increasingly pluralistic society, we have adopted that there are infinite "shades of gray."   While true in theory, is it true in our daily reality?  Are there shades of gray in natural law?

Black is the absence of light. White is the presence of light.   So either something has no light at all, or light. Is a moonless night black?   No, because your eyes adjust and you the see the stars, and even things near you.   Because there IS light.  You just don't perceive it at first.

Shades of gray?

Things are black or white, right or wrong, on or off.   It is the imposition of our desire to justify our own desires that leads to shades of gray.

If you subtract out the white noise our world heaps on us every moment of every day, and search you cerebral "heart" in prolonged quiet, you will truly see that right vs. the wrong is immutable.  A true good vs. the bad. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 

There is GOOD in the world, and there is EVIL. Those things are absolute. 

And that which is absolute is discernible.

Life or death?

I was pro-death penalty and anti-abortion. But either every life is sacred or it isn't. 

I believe the existence of the life itself is the answer.  In a big picture view of the universe, life exists because it is needed and good.   If the life embraces evil, it doesn't make their life less needed and less sacred. 

But what do we do with them if we don't kill them? That's a whole other discussion.


I am here because I am supposed to be. You are here because you are supposed to be. 

Life is good. What we do with our life either validates the inherent goodness or rejects it.

So when someone says "life is good" just answer "absolutely."

Because it absolutely is.


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